Campus Safety Strategies for College Students
carrie pasquarello carrie pasquarello

Campus Safety Strategies for College Students

In minutes, parents can address risk factors, like the hidden dangers around the campus during the Red Zone, the alcohol 3A’s, and mental health, by following the Global Secure Resources checklist.

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8 Travel-Inspired Treasures: Must-Have
carrie pasquarello carrie pasquarello

8 Travel-Inspired Treasures: Must-Have

Gifts for the traveler in your life. With all the travel excitement, we don’t want you to forget the essentials for a safe and secure adventure. Check out these fabulous travel-inspired must-haves.

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Parenting in a TikTok Cyber World:
carrie pasquarello carrie pasquarello

Parenting in a TikTok Cyber World:

Parenting in a TikTok Cyber World:

Is it time to reverse the clock and get your child off their devices? Growing up in America before the Internet, kids played outside all day long. They had greater self-awareness, and many hours were spent making up games to play with neighbors, learning a great skill set for communicating with others.

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6 Simple Steps You Can Take Now to Protect Yourself and Loved Ones
carrie pasquarello carrie pasquarello

6 Simple Steps You Can Take Now to Protect Yourself and Loved Ones

This blog post offers practical tips and insights to empower readers to prioritize personal safety and security in their daily lives. Each step provides actionable advice to help individuals become more proactive and prepared in the face of potential threats.

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Safety First -                    Parents Demand Safety
carrie pasquarello carrie pasquarello

Safety First - Parents Demand Safety

Parents Demand Safety. When parents send their children to school, they expect them to be safe from bullying, sexual assaults, and shootings. Unfortunately, many parents feel unsure about their children's safety when sending them to school.

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The 3P's of College Safety
carrie pasquarello carrie pasquarello

The 3P's of College Safety

The waiting period when students and parents eagerly anticipate the arrival of college acceptance letters is a great time to start conversations about values, boundaries, and safety. For many students heading off to college, this will be their first experience living on their own. They’ll be in a new environment, with new friends, and exposed to new health risks. No matter where our children end up, we want them prepared with a skill set to improve their college success.

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Transforming Workplace Wellness
carrie pasquarello carrie pasquarello

Transforming Workplace Wellness

Mental Health Awareness Month allows us the opportunity to start yearlong initiatives in the workplace. With the current evolving changes to the workplace, including social distancing and more people working from home, now is the ideal time for companies to think ahead and plan what initiatives they want to implement when employees either return to the physical workplace in a few weeks or have to continue to remain at a distance from co-workers.

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carrie pasquarello carrie pasquarello


October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM). It is a great time to focus on how cybersecurity is a shared responsibility that affects all of us around the world. We are facing a growing number of cyber threats every day. Cybersecurity is a major concern affecting governments, corporations, hospitals, schools, banks and business operations around the world. Cybersecurity is also taking its toll on individuals and families. It is important to practice safe online behavior at work, home and when we are traveling. We need to be better protected and prepared with tools and tips to avoid the damaging effects of cybercrime.

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Cultivate, Motivate & Empower

Parents can improve their child’s resiliency and safety by creating strategies to empower their child to respond to problems, crises, and issues effectively. Our goal is to help prevent victimization and teach students to develop their safety skill set. We need to give our children the tools to be proactive with their safety and security because most likely, we will not be next to them when they have to make a life-changing decision. Our strategies are based on the SEEK method. Safety, Empowerment, Empathy, and Knowledge.

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